
Founded in 1958, Metal-Fab has established itself as the leader in the residential and commercial ventilation industry.  Our principal beliefs have always been simple - offer our customers the very best products available and deliver those products faster than anyone else. Experience the Metal-Fab difference for yourself, and you’ll quickly understand why we have remained a leader in the ventilation industry for over 60 years. 

Represented in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Northern Idaho


All-Fuel Temp/Guard® Chimney

Double-Wall Factory-Built Chimney Systems for use with listed wood, coal, oil, gas or propane-fired appliances in accordance with the Standards for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid-Fuel Burning Appliances, NFPA 211, BOCA National Mechanical Code, Standard Mechanical Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.


Aluminum Chimney Liners

Flexible Aluminum Chimney Liners intended for field-installation into new or existing tile lined or unlined masonry chimneys, venting natural draft Category I gas-fired appliances which burn natural gas or propane.  Chimney liners are intended to be installed in accordance to the “Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances,” NFPA 211; “National Fuel Gas Code,” NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 or Canada, CAN-B149.1.


Ceiling Radiation Dampers

Ceiling Radiation Dampers covered under UL 555C intended for installation in hourly rated fire resistive floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies in accordance with the "Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials," UL 263.

Static & Dynamic Fire Dampers

Fire dampers covered under UL 555 are intended for installation in accordance with the NFPA Standard for Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation Systems, NFPA 90A, the International Mechanical Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code.


Grilles, Registers & Diffusers

Metal-Fab offers a complete line of Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers suited to meet your needs.  We set high standards of design, production and finish on all of our products.  Our Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers reflect our commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail, giving you an extra measure of quality that is visible to your customer.


SuperFlex™ Stainless Steel Chimney Liners

Flexible Stainless Steel Chimney Liners intended for field-installation into new or existing tile lined or unlined masonry chimneys used for venting natural draft Category I gas-fired, Type L oil-fired and solid-fuel residential-type appliances in which maximum continuous flue gas temperatures do not exceed 1000°F.  Chimney liners are intended to be installed in accordance to the “Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances,” NFPA 211; “National Fuel Gas Code,” NFPA 54.


Type-B Gas Vent

Double-Wall Type "B" Gas Vent for approved category I natural gas or propane-fired appliances, gas furnaces, heaters, fireplaces and boilers in accordance with NFPA 211, standards for chimneys, fireplaces, vents and solid-fuel burning appliances and NFPA 54, the National Fuel Gas Code.